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Music has a well documented history of improving the mind's functionality.  Even by listening to music, studies show that we increase our own cognitive abilities.  The most wonderful thing is that we are still learning about how music affects our lives. 


Older Students 

Playing an instrument, such as piano has shown to improve IQ.  Students with just 9 months of musical training were shown to have an increase of 3 IQ points among peers who did not undertake the lessons. 
Students who play an instrument are more likely to be able to speak a second or third language.  


Adult Students 

If you have played piano for last least 10 years, cognitive benefits stay with you throughout your life.  Studies have shown that people who have played music at some point in their life, have better cognitive function, with better performance for object-naming visuospatial memory and rapid mental processing.
Playing piano helps fight off dementia in advanced ages. Activities that engage your brain can preserve brain function in older age, but very few offer physical, mental, and social stimulation like playing music does. Unlike physical exercise, playing the piano is something that is easy to continue doing during more advanced ages. Playing music and learning progression are a great way to de-stress. 


Younger Students 

Students who play the piano at a young age are like sponges. They soak up and process mass quantities of information, and learn at a fast rate. 
Students who are exposed to music education increase their verbal intelligence.  
Students who receive regular music lessons during early years show an increased understanding of vocabulary and a strong ability to explain concepts.


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